Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Society of Australia Ltd



CMASA Newsletter August 2022

The 8th Annual CMASA Forum of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2022 will be held in 27th November 2022. The theme of the forum this year is to “Promoting the CM classics literature and pass on the passion from this generation to the next”. This summit is led and organised by the panel of academic team of CMASA, combining offline and online academic activities. All speakers will come from mainland Australia.

Calls for CMASA Annual Conference 2022 Papers

The 8th Annual CMASA Forum of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2022 will be held in 27th November 2022. The theme of the forum this year is to “Promoting the CM classics literature and pass on the passion from this generation to the next”. This summit is led and organised by the panel of academic team of CMASA, combining offline and online academic activities. All speakers will come from mainland Australia.

The papers need to take into account from local, overseas academic experience and progress of the past year, emphasising with clinical practice, and pass their rich clinical experience of the older generation to the younger practitioners.

Please note that length of the manuscript should be original, unpublished, in Chinese, and it must not exceed 5000 words, including abstract, keywords, notes and references. Selected authors will be given 40 minutes time to present their papers on that day. Succeeded papers are also invited for publication in The CMASA Annual Paper Collection 2022.

Please submit your papers to Academic Department: Dr. Wang Shu TCM (Tel: 0404880538) no later than 30 09 2022 with a brief self-introduction.
It is advised to send your summary paper with a title, brief outline and self-introduction before 30 August 2022 first. We warmly invite everyone to contribute your valuable paper.—-


Communique: Chinese Medicine Board of Australia
Online Meeting with CMASA on 12 July 2022
On July 12, 2022, Dr. Guo Qing Wei, CEO of CMASA, Honorary President Dr. Wu Yu, and Vice
Secretary-General Dr. Zhen Ye Rong have participated in the online discussion forum with CMBA
Board Chair, Prof. Danford Lim, and Dr. Tian on behalf of CMASA.
CMASA proposes the following discussion topics:

1. English language conditional registration for some registered CM practitioners:
Can English language requirements for TCM practitioners for conditional registration from CMBA be addressed and may replacing it by using intelligent software translation?
English language conditional registration has been in place for more than 10 years, and there has not been a single medical malpractice caused by this language barrier reason.

Chinese medicine profession should also enjoy the same full status and policy treatment as other ALLIED HEALTH PROFESSIONS. CM profession should be officially recognised not only at federal government level, but also at all and every states and territory in Australia .

3. In light of poor communication between the CM associations and the government, CMBA hopes that CMBA can play active role on this crucial issue to meet the gap between the two parties.

4. Addressing the ban on restricted Chinese herbal medicine for the sake of Australia public and CM practitioners.

5. How to integrate the follow-up services of CM practitioners into the Australian medical system?
For example, can the recycling system of acupuncture needles be more easy accessible to

6. Dr. Wu Yu proposed that Chinese medicine association should play vital role at all public and private hospitals. All hospitals need to accept Chinese medicine modality in the treatment of their patients.

7. Dr. Rong proposed that all Chinese medicine associations should seize the opportunity of the Labour Party victory at this year’s federal election to lobby the new federal government for better Chinese medicine policy. All CM associations should unite together and make single and united voice on this most important issue.
CMBA explained its the role it played and how it operates under the Registry in AHPRA.
Special attention is paid to the issue of registered practitioners with English language conditions, CMBA is believed that due to the existence of these English language conditional registered practitioners, it may affect the possibility of integrating Chinese medicine into the private insurance rebate scheme. CMBA hopes to put forward a plan to solve this problem.
CMBA specifically referred to the last feedback submitted by CMASA to oppose the use of
“Medicinal ingredients” of Chinese Herbal Medicine Guideline in the prescription of Chinese
Medicine, and the revised Acupuncture Guideline for sterilised procedure for acupuncture. CMBA has accepted the objections raised by CMASA. CMBA hope to put forward these specific solutions into practice.

CMBA has pay great attention to the issues raised by CMASA that all states have not implemented the inclusion of Chinese medicine in the ALLIED HEALTH PROFESSION. CMBA is actively communicating with relevant states and federal government departments, and hopes that CMASA will also actively participate in this process in any future endeavor.
CMBA would like to thank CMASA for its contributions to Chinese medicine profession over the years and hope that CMASA will continue to promote the health growth of the Chinese medicine profession in Australia.

The Chairman of CMBA, Prof. Lin and Dr. Tian attended the meeting on 12 07 2022.
Message from CMASA National office:

1. AHPRA set up a one stop shop “ resource” page for practitioners and community service
on their website

2. CMBA news is available to all members :

National Academic Activities:
Date: 28 08 2022, Sunday
Time: 1:30pm-5:30pm (AEST)
Topic 1: Policies and Regulations, practice issues and safety of Chinese Medicine in Australia
Venue: Zoom Webinar
CPD: 4 points (professional issue), access to the live webinar &its recording
Fee: $40.00 for CMASA members; $60.00 non-members
Speaker: A/PROF Christopher Zaslawski, Translator: Dr Margaret Wu

Chris Zaslawski is an adjunct Associate professor at University of Technology, Sydney
(Australia). He has been practising acupuncture and herbal medicine for over 40 years and is
an active researcher in the area. Chris has also been English editor for three acupuncture texts, which were published in conjunction with Chinese medicine colleagues from the Guangzhou University of Traditional Medicine, China. Chris has published over 95 papers as well as nine report and book reviews. He is also on the International Editorial Board for two other journals, Acupuncture Research, published in Beijing and the Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science, published in Germany.

Chris has been a temporary consultant for the World Health Organisation on six occasions andcontributed to the development of two WHO documents concerning acupuncture clinical
research and traditional medicine education. He also reviewed the WHO International Standard Terminologies on Traditional Medicine in the Western Pacific Region which was
published in 2007. Chris is currently a member of HE 031, a Standards Australia committee
for developing standards for Chinese medicine. He is also a committee member of the
accreditation committee for the Chinese Medicine Board of Australia.
Lecture ID: N22AUG28
Payment details:
Bank Name: CMASA Education, BSB: 062 133; A/C: 1800 1600
Contact: Jo 02-97276831/ 0431327369
Monday to Friday 1pm-4pm
PS:You must provide your full name, membership number, lecture number in your email, in order to obtain your CPD certificate in time.

New South Wales Academic Activities:
“Miraculous Pivot” Literature Lecture Series (NSW):
The 2022 NSW “Miraculous Pivot” Nei Jing Literature Lecture, the fourth lecture series of the fourth quarter, will be hold on 22 08 2022 as eagerly anticipated!
The CM classic literature study is a must for every aspiring CM practitioner to become an excellent CM physician. It is regrettable that many CM practitioners who has worked many years in their CM career, yet to fully explore into this field.

Indeed, classical literature study is a lifetime endeavour for Chinese medicine practitioners. It is a blessing for our members that Dr. Guo Qing Wei, and excellent and experienced CM practitioner will be our lecturer and mentor for these classes.

This “Miraculous Pivot/Ling Shu” literature class is initialised and promoted by the NSW Branch of CMASA. It is designed for acupuncturists and massage therapists to build their Chinese medicine thinking, improve clinical skills, enhance clinical problem solving ability, and possibly increase their income.

Thank you for your enrolment and participation to this classical literature study journey.
Details of the remaining classes of the 4th term are as follows:

1. Date and time: 22 August, 19 September 2022, all starting from 7:30pm (AEST) on Monday night.

2. The course will emphasis on its teaching quality and learning effect. The theory aspects and
clinical practice are closely integrated to ensure that students can not only learn the practical
acupuncture skills, the technical” aspects, but also thoroughly understand the classic theory as a guiding ideology. Improve professionalism!
3. On-site webinar teaching facility will be set up at the fifth class of this term. Students can observe the practical skills demonstrated by the lecturer on the spot closely at the fifth class. One or two students who wish to participate can signed up this the on-site demonstration program.

Any one interested this on-site interaction, Please contact the organiser and register your interest.

Registration details:
1. Lecture format: Zoom webinar
2. CPD points: 3 formal points per session (interactive), access to the live webinar
3. Open to all registered acupuncturists and massage therapists nationwide
Email: Tel: (02) 97276831
4. Fee: CMASA members: $150.00 for 5 registrations; $45.00 for a single lecture
Non-CMASA members: $300.00 for 5 lectures, $60.00 for a single lecture.
P.S. RMB and USD are accepted for China and overseas enrollment.
Course ID code: N22CL4
P.S. If you register for a single lecture, please indicate the exact one. For example, if you register for the fourth lecture of the fourth quarter(28 08 2022), the course ID code will be N22CL4-4.
5. Bank details: Commonwealth Bank of Australia
A/C Name: CMASA Education, BSB : 062 133, A/C NO: 1800 1600
Please provide your full name, CMASA membership number and lecture number when paying the fee.
After your payment, please take a screenshot of the payment, email it to CMASA, Please
indicate the course code in the subject.

Victoria Activities:
The Official Notice for Board Directors’ Re-election of CMASA Victoria Branch 2022
According to the election articles of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Society of Australia Victoria
(CMASA VIC), it is time for CMASA VIC to re-election its new board of directors.
It is hereby announced by the current CMASA VIC board that re-election will be hold on 25 09 2022.
To this end, the board has established an “Election Preparation Working Group”.
The election will be held in a democratic, fair and transparent manner in accordance with the
constitution of the society. The new term of the board of directors will continue be for three years.
Ater this term, the up coming term will be two years, so as to be aligned with the national election cycle of CMASA.
Hence, CMASA VIC Board hereby issues a formal invitation to all its members: Full members of the CMASA VIC who are interested in participating in the new Board directors and who meet the election criteria are welcome to actively register for this election.
Eligibility candidates need to voluntarily sign up for the election. Candidates are requested to email their personal information, including resumes, election outlines, etc., to the CMASA VIC’s email address:
P.S. , please write your candidate profile in concise manner, no more than 300 words.
Deadline for registration: September 12, 2022.
All CMASA VIC members are encouraged to participating to this election. Your involvement will certainly make tremendous contribution to the bright future of CMASA and Chinese Medicine profession in Australia.

VIC Academic Activities:
1.Topic: Policies and Regulations, practice issues and safety of Chinese Medicine in Australia
Date: 04 09 2022, Sunday; Time: 1:30pm-5:30pm (AEST)
Venue: Webinar
Speaker: Dr. Jiansheng Zhang
Dr Jiansheng Zhang is a senior member of the Chinese Medicine Accreditation Committee of AHPRA and a lecturer at Chinese Medicine Unit of RMIT University. He was the committee member of Chinese Medicine Registration Board of Victoria. After graduating from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine in 1982, he achieved PhD in Beijing Medical University in 1987. He published over 40 academic papers in worldwide journals when he worked as a vice professor at Beijing Medical University. In China, his research projects have won State Science and Technology Progress Award in Chinese Medicine: two for the First Class Award and one for the Second Class Award. He is a registered Chinese medicine practitioner in Australia, and his interest in Chinese medicine lies in internal medicine, immunity, dermatology, preventive healthcare, cancers and geriatric disease.

2.Topic: Reflections on the lobbying efforts for the Chinese medicine profession on the eve of
Australian federal election 2022
Speaker: Mr. Junzeng Xin
Mr. Xin is the president of Chinese Medicine of Australia Inc. He achieved his master’s degree and became a Senior lecturer after he graduated from Liaoning Traditional Chinese Medicine University. The study of policies is required by CMBA and health insurance companies, so all members are demanded to attend it.

Content: In-depth analysis of the influence and impact of various parties in Australia from the
government, parliamentarians, AHPRA, Chinese medicine industry associations, Western Medicine and Western Medicine Group, and Chinese medicine practitioner, to the current existing policies of the Chinese medicine industry; The importance of further improve the current laws and regulations in regarding to Chinese medicine profession , and therefore further protects the public safety.

CPD: 4 formal points
Please register via CMASA Vic WeChat or email to
2: A Trip for Going Back to its Tradition and Searching for the Roots – Nei Jing-Shu Wen
Study 2022 (Semester 3/Final semester)
The registration is open for CMASA members and non-members for its final semester of 2022 Nei Jing-She Wen series.
Date: 10/08, 24/08/2022
Time: 7.30pm Wednesday
Shu Wen Chapter: 79-81
Lecturer: Dr. Guo Qing Wei
Fee: For members, $60 for 2 lectures, $45 for each session; for non-members, $100 for 2 lectures and $60 for single lecture.
CPD: 3 formal points per session (interactive), access to the live webinar &its recording
Venue: Zoom webinar

Payment method: Bank name: Commonwealth Bank
Account name: CMASA Vic, BSB: 062 300, Account number: 1036 7029
Please PrintScreen the payment page and send it to Please note that only register by email can be accepted.
Please note that
1. For registration, please PrintScreen the payment page and send it to with your name, membership number, state name, email address.
2.If you quit due to health problems, the remaining fee may be returned.
Senior First Aid Course (HLTAID011) CMASA(NSW)
Date and time: 28/08/2022 Saturday from 6:00pm (AEST)
Enrollment deadline: 21 August 2022
P.S. Members who’s First Aid expiring date falls in September, October, November and December this year are recommended to registered for this SFA course. If the enrollment number is insufficient later this year, further first aid courses will not guaranteed.
Venue: Suite 9, Level 1, 1-17 Elsie St, Burwood NSW 2134
Fees: $110 (Member); $130 (Non-Member)
The attendant number is limited, so please register and pay ASAP var CMASA Head
Bank account: Commonwealth Bank A/C, Name: CMASA Education
BSB:062133, Account No. 18001600
Please send an email to with your
1 Your full name,
2 Screenshot of your full payment
3 The course number, the course date,
4 Your CMASA membership number
5 Your mobile phone number.
6 100 points of ID scan image or ID photo
Homework and documents will be emailed to you after your payment is received.
Please take with you the valid Photo ID card, USI number (applied from, pens and homework (finished). Senior First Aid Course (HLTAID011) is provided by CMASA in Mandarin.
This certificate is valid for 3 years.
Contact: Dr. Xiao Qin (Margaret) Wu
Email:, Ph: 0405 284 012
Please note that,
1. If you have flu-like symptoms or any discomfort, please contact us and don’t attend the course.
2. If you are unable to complete the CPR procedure due to ill health, please do not register.
3. If you are unable to kneel down to perform the CPR test due to physical reasons, please not to
register, as you may fail the test.
4. CMASA recommends the attendants to bring your face mask and wear it during the course.
5. You have to be double vaccinated against Covid-19.