CMASA delivers a range of services and benefits to support members throughout Australia. Our comprehensive membership packages includes marketing, business and professional development support and the essential tools needed to establish and maintain a practice.
By joining us as a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner or Remedial Massage patients can find you easily based on the information you provide in the register.
As some important information may not be seen if you do not register, by joining us you can get the latest important information and useful forms from CMASA.
CMASA delivers a range of services and benefits to support members throughout Australia. Our comprehensive membership packages includes marketing, business and professional development support and the essential tools needed to establish and maintain a practice.
By joining us as a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner or Remedial Massage patients can find you easily based on the information you provide in the register.
As some important information may not be seen if you do not register, by joining us you can get the latest important information and useful forms from CMASA.
join over 3300 practitioners in Australia
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CPD Events for you to choose
The highest authority of the society is the annual general meeting. The term of each council is two years. One-third of the updated directors selected by all members at the annual general meeting are enriched to the board of directors.
Australian Business Number: 46 086 774 996
Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Society of Australia Ltd @2024. All rights reserved
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