Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Society of Australia Ltd



CMASA Newsletter Dec 2022

Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Society of Australia (CMASA)
Welcome to the December 2022 issue of CMASA Newsletter

1. CEO Updates

CEO New Year Message to all members: your matters are important!

Dear colleagues,

It is a great privilege for me as the CEO of CMASA to lead a highly competent non-profit professional organisation and a committed group of people like yourselves. Your dedicated work has brought us fruition in many ways this year despite the challenges imposed by COVID-19 and how it has impacted on the whole world. I have elaborated on CMASA’s achievement in the attached CMASA Annual Report. I would like to take this opportunity to reiterate my appreciation to the support received from all of our stakeholders, our clients and most important of all, yourself, our valued members. Let us continue to work hard hand-in-hand to have a more successful new year.

Happy New Year to you all.

Have a wonderful festive season with family.

You may have noticed that in recent months CMASA has been more active in offering the members academic and clinical activities and training opportunities. I am delighted that the annual academic summit has been successful. Please read the attached Proceedings of the summit, which included CMASA Annual Report I presented to members.

Furthermore, I would like to develop an ongoing series of CMASA member and executive profiles in the new year. I would welcome members to share with us your background and experiences in Chinese medicine, acupuncture, remedial massage or other health fields. What are your key achievements and what is your vision, what do you think CMASA’s key priorities are?

CMASA newsletter is the best way to keep up to date with the latest news and opportunities to get involved. Remember, you can always email the CMASA national office at to get in ouch or give us feedback or suggestions.

1.2 Collaboration with Guang’anmen Hospital for development of an electronic Clinical

Information System for Chinese Medicine

The collaborative project with Guang’anmen Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences has continued to progress well. We had multiple meetings this month to discuss the specific requirements in designing a bilingual Integrated Chinese Medicine Clinical Information System. In this exciting development, we have been working hard to assess the feasibility of joining the clouds with the potential partner in China. We have looked at the challenges, controversies and possibilities of developing and using this bilingual (English and Chinese) standardised electronic Chinese Medicine Clinical Information System. I will keep you informed of further progress in the new year.

1.3   Improving the status of Chinese Medicine as Allied Health in the Australian Healthcare System

The CMASA Board members and I have continued to seek an effective approach to improve the status of Chinese Medicine as part of Allied Health in the Australian Healthcare System.

  • On 23 Nov 2022, I chaired the Australian Council of Chinese Medicine meeting for the third time in the CMASA also provided Secretariat services for the meeting. We progressed the discussion on variations of private health insurance rebate rates between health funds for Chinese medicine and compared strategies and experiences from other professions.
  • On 28 Oct 2022, I wrote to the Australian Chief Allied Health Officer, Dr Anne-marie Boxall, to follow up on the CMASA communication with Minister Butler, and our intention to open a conversation with


the Commonwealth Government esp. Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC). I highlighted the status of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture as an integral part of Allied Health. It has played an important role in providing primary healthcare for the health and wellbeing of the Australians. Dr Boxall assured that Minister Butler had received our letter and is preparing a response to CMASA requests.

1.3 Quality and Safety in Chinese Medicine Clinical Practice

I would again like to take this opportunity to send you a gentle reminder to keep in mind quality and safety

in your clinical practice. Please read carefully Ahpra’s messages in Section 3 of this newsletter.

Please also take time to read articles and standards associated with medical practice and the new directions at the website of the Australian Commission of Safety and Quality in Healthcare at:

I wish you a wonderful holiday! Please take care and stay safe.


Dr Guoqing Wei, CEO

  1. 2022 CMASA Academic Summit Summary

In November, when jacaranda blossoms are in full bloom in Sydney, the Eighth Annual CMASA Academic Summit came to fruition.

We are very grateful to have three guest speakers who provided detailed information and insights from the government perspective. They analysed and elaborated on the issues that Chinese medicine practitioners need to accustom themselves to. This is importance in terms of providing safe clinical practices to the public as well as to protect practitioners themselves!

Again, we would like to express our sincere appreciation to our speakers: Prof Danforn Lim, Chair of Chinese Medicine Board of Australia, for his keynote address “The Chinese Medicine Board of Australia: Some Highlights of Its Activities in 2022”; Ms Pamela Langley, Chairman of the Chinese Medicine Council of NSW, for her outlook on the “Importance of Complaints Management for Future Growth”; and Dr Anne- Louise Carlton, Consultant at the Health Workforce Regulation, for her speech “Ten Years of TCM Registration in Australia – has anything changed?” In summary, they have addressed most significant issues related to the interests of the practitioners and consumers as well. These have provided standards to ensure the safety of our future clinical work!

Nearly nine hours of the conference program has seen the maintenance of order in keeping the schedule in place, with meticulous management skills. More than ten Chinese medicine practitioners from Australia and overseas unreservedly unveiled their years of understanding of the classics and valuable clinical experience to share with the participants! Three generations gathered together although online in the current environment. What a fabulous get-together! Each participant seemed to have forgotten all the difficulties and barriers of the past year. We cannot help saying that every CMASA Annual Academic Summit is a grand ceremony that all Chinese medicine practitioners in Australia looks forward to! With the truthful interpretation of classics, the combination of theory and practice with examples, and the clinical countermeasures against the current variations of COVID-19, every speaker committed to providing selfless mentoring! The ancient wisdom of Chinese medicine classics has been best endorsed in the testimony of modern inheritors, which can no doubt be described as “While the presentations were not exhausted, the listeners did not realise that the day was coming to an end either!” Guidance of today’s mentoring in words and deeds yielded better outcomes than us being in search for ten years!”

The Academic Summit not only offered the classic topics from Professor Guoqing Wei, Professor Weiqiang Wen, Dr Zhaoyu Dai, Dr Zhenye Rong, Dr Jinfeng Wu, but also the wonderful emergence of a new generation of Chinese medicine inheritors such as Yang Zhang, Henry Xiao and Chao Mi. The new phenomena at the Academic Summit have been refreshing, having brought the enthusiasm of classics learning to a newest high.

Re-visiting the classics and improving the clinical practice has always been the academic direction advocated by CMASA. After two years of classic lectures, it has been shining at this Academic Summit, and it will undoubtedly continue to be a light to illuminate our way forward!

May we become a qualified Chinese medicine practitioner equipped with classics under the guidance of CMASA leadership, providing a better-quality essence of Chinese medicine health service to the Australian people, and make unremitting efforts for the development of Chinese medicine in Australia!

Let us work together to adhere to the classics, leading Australian Chinese medicine to a brighter future. We anticipate ending the disastrous COVID-19 as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing you at our next Annual Academic Summit!

Once again, our great appreciation goes to the following:

  • The speakers who shared their valuable experience with us,
  • The meticulous organisation and coordination of the Academic Department to ensure the success of this event,
  • The seamless collaboration of the four rotating shifts of the chairpersons,
  • All the hard work and editing of the Secretariat Department, and
  • All colleagues behind the scenes who have quietly contributed to ensure the success of the Academic


Thank you all! The event would not have been so successful without your efforts.

3.      Messages from Ahpra

Ahpra has written to advise all Chinese Medicine practitioners about the following vital resource. It is Ahpra’s Frequently asked questions on the Shared Code of Conduct and Vaccination/Immunisation. (‘the FAQ’s)

The revised Code of Conduct for Chinese medicine practitioners came into effect in late June 2022, along with resources to help practitioners understand and apply the code. Maintaining a high level of professional competence and conduct is an essential part of providing good care, and you have a professional responsibility to be familiar with the code and apply its principles in your practice.

More information can be found on the Ahpra website.

The Shared Code of Conduct, and all Ahpra’s resources on it, can also be accessed by clicking on the Shared Code of Conduct button on the Chinese Medicine Board of Australia home page. The Chinese Medicine Board of Australia (CMBA) will also publicise the Code and resources on it in its forthcoming Newsletter.

  1. Course Announcement: Enrolment for the Fifth Lecture Series in Classics Inheritance Initiated in NSW, now being offered to members all over Australia, the lectures aiming for returning to classics have been running successfully in its Fifth Lecture Series under the guidance of Professor Guoqing Wei (CMASA CEO). In delving into “Fundamental Questions (Su Wen)” and “Miraculous Pivot (Lingshu)“, we strive to integrate the theories into clinical


The first two lectures in the Fifth Lecture Series have now been completed. The interpretation of “Major Discussion on Regulating Human Spirit in Accordance with Natural Laws of Four Seasons” 《四氣調神大論》 provided each participant, whether new to this lecture or a veteran, a totally attractive and mind- blowing perspective never known from the previous cognition. The seemingly familiar yet at the same

time unfamiliar provisions turned out to imply such a profound meaning, just like what Professor Wei said: “This chapter is the very foundation of the foundation. If you can’t understand this chapter, you cannot call yourself a qualified Chinese medicine practitioner”. In fact, not only this chapter, every chapter in the classics is a path leading to accurate pattern differentiation in clinical practice!

The lectures will continue to be run at one lecture per month. “Fundamental Questions (Su Wen)” and “Miraculous Pivot (Ling Shu)” will be delivered simultaneously. This means each lecture will contain two components. The first part will focus on interpretation of the original classical texts, and the second part on explaining in detail the diagnosis and treatment of a common condition by applying the classical theory. This arrangement will allow students to apply what they have learned instantly to their clinical practice! In the Chinese medicine profession, there is a saying that “Without inheritance, the clinical practice is thousands of mountains away from truth.” How many Chinese medicine practitioners who have been practicing for decades regret that they cannot enter the real “Chinese Medicine Gate” in their lives with exhausting efforts! The students who participated in this course are fortunate. The Fourth Lecture Series have enabled everyone to experience the unique perspective of the professor’s analysis of the classics.

The Fifth Lecture Series continue to be coordinated by the NSW Classics Planning and Coordination Team. The lectures are open to all CMASA members across Australia. All lectures are delivered by the popular Prof Guoqing Wei. It is well-known that Prof Wei teaches and answers questions with great patience. Prof Wei does not hesitate to put his decades of meticulous research and clinical achievements into his teaching, primarily enabling learning easier. The integration of theoretical principles and concepts into practical settings is innovative and unique second to none. In the lectures, the content from previous lectures will be repeated continuously. Whether you are a student from previous lectures or a new student, you will surely achieve the learning goals and find resonances!

These brilliant and interconnected lectures will become the cornerstone of accurate clinical dialectical guiding ideology! Such an opportunity is right in front of us. It is really the blessing for CMASA members. As the Chinse saying goes, “Everything is ready, just waiting for the east wind to blow (the opportunity to arrive)”. This opportunity is in our own hands, whether you are willing to set off this learning enthusiasm in your clinical practice, the opportunity should not be overlooked and will not arrive again!

Delivery of the CMASA Classic Inheritance Lectures is a wise and appropriate approach for the majority of Chinese medicine practitioners, acupuncturists and remedial massage (Tuina) practitioners. The purpose is to:

  • Establish the Chinese Medicine thinking,
  • Improve clinical skills to solve clinical problems,
  • Improve Chinese Medicine academic skills,
  • Promote the quality and safety of clinical practice,
  • Further develop Chinese Medicine, and
  • Increase income and social status of


Through the active participation by most CMASA members, classics learning has become popular. The interaction with lecturers has also built up the members’ confidence and enthusiasm for the profession. We firmly believe that the road to learning classics will grow wider and wider in both the teaching and learning. Your trust and support are greatly appreciated.

Thanks to the CMASA academic leaders who have carefully built this platform for members with an intention to lead everyone to enter the Gate of Chinese Medicine Classics as soon as possible, thus embarking on a genuine and truthful journey of Chinese Medicine.

Before the end of 2022, the interpretation of the first three chapters of “Fundamental Questions (Suwen)” will be completed, which will provide a perfect prelude to the opening of the lectures in the coming new year. 12 December is the last classic lecture in 2022. With all of our persistence, the goal remains as “There is no deviation from the theory, and ensure integration into the clinical practice. The clinical practice is to be enhanced by theories and in turn reflects the classics!”

These courses put emphasis on the quality and the outcome of learning, without speeding to catch up with the progress. Theory and clinical practice are closely integrated to ensure that the participants will not only learn the practical hands-on needling skills, techniques in each movement and style, but also thoroughly understand the classical theory and use it as a guiding principle which can be applied instantly in the clinical practice, leading to improvement of the clinical skills.

A live demonstration will be provided: Tentatively the 5th lesson will provide a live demonstration opportunity. The registration details will be announced via Group WeChat. Each demonstration will be available to 15 participants only, the places to be offered in the order of registration! Videos will be taken for the participants for revision and repeated learning, so as to directly sublimate the classic theoretical knowledge and rational understanding taught by the professor into a perceptual understanding that can be utilised in clinical practice. In this way you will truly gain from the teacher’s decades of rich clinical experience!

Registration details for the remaining three lectures in the Fifth Lecture Series


Time and date 7:30 pm-10:30 pm AEDT (Australian Eastern Daylight Time)


•                    Monday, 12 December 2022

•                    Monday, 16 January 2023

•                    Monday, 13 February 2023


Please remember to convert the AEDT into the time zone of your location.

Format Online Live Zoom Webinar
Scope (Australia-wide) ·         All CMASA members

·         Students

·         Non-members who are interested

CPD 3 CPD points per lecture
Fees ·         For CMASA members: AUD $150 for five lectures; AUD$45 for a single lecture

·         For non CMASA members: AUD $300 for five lectures; AUD$60 for a single lecture

·         Accepting RMB from mainland China, or USD from other overseas countries

Payment method Please pay directly to the CMASA Account: Commonwealth Bank

Account Name: CMASA Education BSB: 062 133

Account Number: 18001600


·         Please indicate your initials, CMASA membership number and the course code.

·         After the payment is finalised, please email the payment screenshot to CMASA:

·         Please specify the course code in the topic section in your email.

Registration Please email your registration by: Email: or Tel: 02 97276831
Course code N22CL5

If you register for a single lecture, please specify which one. For example, if you register for the second lecture in the Fifth Lecture Series, please specify the course code as N22CL52.


5. The First 2023 CMASA Advanced First Aid Certificate Course (NSW)

Please note that there is only a limited number of places available in the First 2023 CMASA Advanced First Aid Certificate Course in NSW.

Time Date 3:30 pm (AEDT)

Saturday, 15 January 2023

Venue Suite 9,Level 1, 1 – 17 Elsie Street, Burwood NSW 2134

Please note that we are in the same building as Burwood RTA, next to RTA 1-17 doorway. You will pass a café before you get to the elevator on the ground floor lobby. Press the button in the lift for Floor One. After you exit the lift, you will find our office, Suite 9, on your righthand side.

Fee ·         $110 (CMASA member)

·         $130 (Non-members)

Payment Details: CMASA Bank Account: Commonwealth Bank


A/C Name: CMASA Education BSB: 062133

Account number: 18001600.

Please note the following:

  • With the payment, please make sure you specify FA+ membership
  • Please make your payment ASAP as there are only limited places Places are offered by the order of registration and payment.
  • After your payment, please email the screenshot of your payment, your full name, date of the course, CMASA membership number (if applicable), mobile number and a scanned copy of your 100 point ID or your photo (Refer to the notes below for details of 100 point ID specification).



CMASA Head Office email:

Contact person in charge: Dr Margaret Wu

Email: SMS: 0405 284 012

Specific training requirements:

  • Homework and related training materials or content will be emailed to the trainees upon receiving the evidence of your payment.
  • When you attend the training, please bring: 1) a pen and your completed homework; and 2) the original copies of the 100-point ID documents to be photocopied for record

Other matters:

  • The Advanced First Aid Certificate Course (HLTAID011) is delivered in Mandarin (standard Chinese).
  • This certificate is recognised by the Australian Government, valid for 3 The certificate will be available on the same day.
  • This certificate is an important credential for engaging in practising massage, acupuncture or other healthcare work, as well as getting private insurance


A reminder that during the Covid-19 pandemic, it is important to note:

  • If you feel unwell and have flu-like symptoms, please do not participate in the training. Please notify Dr Margaret Wu (SMS: 0405 284 012) as soon as possible.
  • Please prepare a mask and wear it while attending the first aid

About the 100 points ID:

  • Please remember to bring the original 100-point ID with you, and they need to make a copy on the
  • Attend the training as the person identified on the ID, and do not be late for the
  • 100-point ID proof (please refer to the following details for score calculation):
    • Passport (current) – 70 points
    • Australian Citizenship – 70 points
    • Australian Driver’s License (current) – 40 points
    • NSW Photo Card (valid) – 40 points
    • Medicare card – 25 points
    • Bank Card (Australia) – 25 points
    • Bank statement or confirmation of opening a bank account – 25 points
    • Registration document for buying a car in Australia – 25 points
    • One phone bill or one housing utility bill g. water bill, gas bill, electricity bill (within the last three months) – 25 points