Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Society of Australia Ltd



Analysis of Clinical Cases with The Principle of Yin Yang and Five Movements (NSW)

Mr. Jianfeng Liu is one of CMASA committee members, and is in charge of research for NSW CMASA. After graduating from China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences (Master in Acupuncture) and Inner Mongolia Medical University (Bachelor in Chinese Medicine).

30/08/2020  Sunday  6.30pm-9.30pm

Lecture No. N20AUG30

Topic: Analysis of Clinical Cases with The Principle of Yin Yang and Five Movements 

Venue: Webinar 

Speaker: Mr. Jianfeng Liu 

Mr. Jianfeng Liu is one of CMASA committee members, and is in charge of research for NSW CMASA. After graduating from China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences (Master in Acupuncture) and Inner Mongolia Medical University (Bachelor in Chinese Medicine), he did clinical and research work at the Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture Institute in China with his supervisors-Professor Chuanjie Li and Professor Lige Bi. His research interest focuses on the clinical and mechanism study on the treatment of Coronary Artery Disease by Acupuncture, one of National Qi-Wu projects in China. He also worked at National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China, and became a registered Chinese medicine practitioner in New Zealand and Australia after he immigrated to Australia. 

CPD: 3 Points (Formal) 

Fee: $40 (member); $60(non-member) pay by 25 August, 2020

Open to all Chinese Medicine practitioners in Australia 

Contact:  Jo 0431327369  1pm-4pm  Monday to Friday

Bank account:  Commonwealth Bank

                        A/C, Name: CMASA Education 

                         BSB:062133,   Account No. 18001600 

For registration, please PrintScreen the payment page and send it to with your name, the membership number and the lecture number. If you are a student member or not the CMASA member, please kindly inform us when you register for the lecture. CMASA will issue CPD certificates after lecture.