Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Society of Australia Ltd



CMASA Newsletter NOV 2022

Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Society of Australia (CMASA)
Welcome to the November 2022 issue of CMASA Newsletter
  1. CEO Updates
    • Collaboration with Guang’anmen Hospital for development of an electronic Clinical Information System for Chinese Medicine

The collaborative project with Guang’anmen Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences has progressed well. We had multiple meetings this month to discuss the specific requirements in designing a bilingual Integrated Chinese Medicine Clinical Information System.

  • Improving the status of Chinese Medicine as Allied Health in the Australian Healthcare System

The CMASA Board members and I have been actively seeking an effective approach to improve the status of Chinese Medicine as part of Allied Health in the Australian Healthcare System. Further to my discussion with Prof Leonie Segal, I have taken the following actions:

  • On 12 Oct 2022, I chaired the Australian Council of Chinese Medicine meeting. We had a productive discussion on variations of private health insurance rebate rates between health funds for Chinese medicine and acupuncture and emphasised the importance of separating Chinese medicine and acupuncture from other non-registered professional groupings in health fund rebate
  • On 26 Oct 2022, CMASA Committee members and I met with A/Prof Lilianna Bulfone, a well-known health economist and A/Professor from Australian National A/Prof Bulfone kindly walked us through the application process for MBS listing with the Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC). It was highlighted that a good argument with solid evidence base is far more important than a political advocacy. More information about the MSAC Application Process can be found at the MSAC website:

  • On 28 Oct 2022, I contacted the Australian Chief Allied Health Officer Dr Anne-marie Boxall to highlight the status of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture as an integral part of Allied Health, playing an important role in providing primary healthcare for the health and wellbeing of the Australians. I have also invited Dr Boxall to speak at our forthcoming Academic Summit in provision of leadership and support to the Chinese Medicine
    • Quality and Safety in Chinese Medicine Clinical Practice

I would again like to take this opportunity to send you a gentle reminder to keep in mind quality and safety in your clinical practice.


Dr Guoqing Wei, CEO

2. CMASA National Supervisory Board Notice

On 9 October 2022, CMASA Board and its Supervisory Committee held a combined meeting on how to best implement the management regulations and standards, and how to ensure misconducts are investigated and Code of Conducts are observed. The meeting aimed to discuss and vote on recent issues in the Victoria Branch.

The reasons are as follows:

In early September, CMASA Supervisory Committee received complaints from a number of members in Victoria that a Victorian Committee member violated relevant rules and regulations set by CMASA: 1) Giving lectures and issuing certificates for CDP privately; 2) Established private business/organisation focusing on Chinese Medicine activities and was in the positions of Chair of the Board and the chief executive officer for this business, while serving as a member in the national CMASA Board and in the Victorian Committee. The conflict of interest between the two associations was not declared at the time of selection of the committee members for the CMASA Victorian Branch. These behaviours violated the relevant CMASA rules and regulations.  In reality it compromised the interests of CMASA.

After an investigation, the Supervisory Committee made the following recommendations:

  • Urged CMASA Board directors and state committee members, especially the Victorian committee members, not to use CMASA as a platform or CMASA resources for private activities. This is to avoid conflicts of interest, especially given that a series of problems occurred before and after the Victorian Committee election, having demonstrated the need to reaffirm the CMASA
  • A special reminder to the Victorian Committee to strengthen the discipline of the committee members, emphasise appropriateness of personal language and deeds, and to avoid uncivilised behaviours. In view of the disappointment of members in CMASA caused by the events that have occurred, the new committee members are urged to strictly educate them to prevent further damage to the reputation of CMASA and to avoid impacting on the image of CMASA practitioners.


After a full discussion, the National Board members voted and endorsed the investigation report and the resolutions recommended by the Supervisors Committee, which was adopted by the majority of the votes from Board directors. The voting results were: 28 directors voted, 19 in favour, 6 against and 3 abstentions. After the vote, the complained committee member expressed on the spot that although he had reservations about the wording of the investigation report, he would no longer litigate and would no longer issue CPD credits other than the CMASA CPD. The investigation process for this event is closed.

The CMASA Standing Board sincerely anticipates that all directors and committee members be strict with themselves in consideration of the unity and development of CMASA, by learning from mistakes to avoid future ones, inspiring others as good examples, strictly abiding by CMASA Charter, and working together to enhance Chinese medicine. This is to safeguard the rights and interests of members, and to promote the greater unity of the Society and the whole Chinese medicine community.

3. 2022 CMASA Academic Summit Announcement

Hello everyone! How Time flies! The years go by so quickly. The end of the year is approaching. It is again time for our annual review of academic achievements.

We have finally survived the turbulent years of COVID-19, withstood the severe test of “Even Huatuo (well- known Chinese medicine practitioner) was helpless with the little worm”, experienced economic downturn and rising prices. In this special time, Australian Chinese medicine developed against this unfavourable tide in the face of difficulties, regaining the classics, so that the inheritance of Chinese medicine theory and clinical experience has been further advanced, and the development of Chinese medicine in Australia has produced a nice answer to the test!

Driven by the enthusiasm towards returning to the classics and improving the clinical practice, a group of members were leading to meet the challenge! The research and treatment of difficult and persistent diseases, the summary and inheritance of acupuncture skills, and the in-depth study and understanding of classical theories have all reached a new height! It has vividly presented to all a fresh environment for developing and innovating the Chinese medicine practice.

As the COVID 19 pandemic is not over, it has impacted on the international exchanges on Chinese medicine. Hence, the key speakers at this year’s summit are top local professionals in Chinese medicine, making this summit full of local atmosphere on the southern continent. Colleagues will sound more cordial, practical and down-to-earth!

Among the speakers, there are “new faces of veteran Chinese medicine practitioners” who have rarely spoken on stage in recent years. Among them, there is Dr Hongshi Liu (TCM), a famous veteran Chinese medicine doctor from Qingdao. Dr Liu has rich clinical experience in acupuncture and will discuss clinical cases and practical experiences in acupoint selection. Dr Chao Mi (TCM) is the descendant of the Mi Family in Shandong that has accumulated unique techniques in clinical gynaecology over hundreds of years via inheritance within the family. At the Summit, Dr Mi will showcase the experience in endometriosis treatment. Dr Qingju Wang from Victoria will demonstrate his clinical experiences in the extra-nasal manifestations of common rhino nasal inflammatory diseases that are usually difficult to cure.

In addition to the team consisting of three generations i.e “the old, the middle-aged and the young”, the Summit also recommended an excellent model of Chinese medicine inheritance i.e. famous old Chinese medicine practitioners pass on their knowledge and skills to the next generation in person. We have the great honour to have Dr Yang Zhang, a successor of Dr Tian Zhang (TCM), a well-known Chinese medicine practitioner in China. Dr Zhang will share with us, without reservation, the extraordinary results of Chinese medicine in treating kidney failure and share the true essence of Tian Zhang’s lifelong experience in treating nephrotic diseases and overcoming persistent conditions. Dr. Bo Xiao, the descendant of the famous


Australian Chinese medicine practitioner Dr Jiabin Xiao (TCM), who will discuss on the topic “Healing Shen is the Fundamental Element of Acupuncture”. Both can be described as a model of passing on the torch. What attracts us the most is the presentation by the veteran Chinese medicine doctors who will sum up the valuable experience in their battle against the COVID-19 pandemic, so that everyone can experience the true insight and first-hand experience of Chinese medicine practitioners contributed. Dr Shuyi Chen is a member of CMASA Supervisory Board. He is also a well-respected old Chinese medicine practitioner amongst the Chinese medicine profession in Sydney. Dr Chen has successfully cured Omicron cases and has experience in dealing with sequelae post COVID-19 vaccination. This is without doubt very timely for the practitioners who have been treating Omicron cases. These unique experiences can be applied to their own clinical practice the very next day, which can be described as a spiritual feast full of essential and priceless goods. They are effective when used and sure to help winning the battle!

Classics are the soul of Chinese medicine. Promoting classics is the theme of this Summit: “Revisit classics, respect ancient sages; transmit inheritance seamlessly and kindle the spark”. Clinical practice can only be effective under the guidance of classical theories as if adding wings to take off. CMASA is the first Chinese medicine professional group that has guided its members to revisit Chinese medicine classics. The intensive reading of the classics being incorporated into clinical practice is the top priority of CMASA academic promotion! Therefore, the largest portion of speakers will focus on the theme of classics. Our CEO, Dr. Guoqing Wei is CMASA’s keen academic leader amongst the Chinese medicine practitioners who formed a new generation promoting the classics. Dr Wei has been working with great efforts towards this goal and with great patience tirelessly teaching CMASA members. Dr Wei will present to us “Guiding Principles of The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Medicine (Nei Jing) and its Application in Clinical Practice. Dr Jinfeng Wu has advanced knowledge and experience in seeing classics guiding clinical practice. Dr Wu will present to us “Interpreting Obstruction Syndromes in Miraculous Pivot (Suwen)”. Diligent and dedicated Dr. Zhenye Rong (TCM) will present ” Understanding Pulse Diagnosis from “The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Medicine” (Nei Jing). Moreover, Professor Weiqiang Wen, a well-known doctor and professor from Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, will present “Significant Clinical Application of “The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Medicine” (Nei Jing) which will take the promotion of classics to a climax! Chinese medicine practitioners in Australia have such a passion for the classics that this unprecedented enthusiasm has formed an attractive landscape outside of China in the eyes of our colleagues. This will no doubt help enhancing the overall standard of Chinese medicine practice in Australia!

CMASA invited Dr Zhaoyu Dai, a famous Chinese medicine practitioner from Hong Kong. Dr Dai will share with us his work “Examining the Composition and Efficacy of Some Classical Prescriptions by Zhang Zhongjing from the Perspective of Psychosomatic Medicine”. Dr Dai will explain to us his years of research in studying the classical prescriptions on febrile diseases caused by cold, which provides a unique insight to assist us studying the classics! The real clinical examples are considered excellent guides to learning how to treat exogenous febrile diseases caused by cold pathogenic factors with the classical prescriptions. Not surprisingly, the Summit finale is to be delivered by the well-known Chinese medicine veteran Dr Shu Wang (TCM). “Blood Pressure Diagnosis and Treatment” is a new chapter in the Australian Diagnosis and Treatment Series, describing some simple and easily repeatable clinical experiences. These therapeutical methods are seemingly simple, yet in reality are gifts from Master Wang’s accumulated efforts and hard work over decades.

Registration Details

Time and date 9:00am -5:30pm AEDT (Australian Eastern Daylight Time)

Reminder: Please remember to convert the AEDT into the time zone of your location.

check your time zone: Time Zone Converter – Time Difference Calculator (


As usual, there will be no breaks. Branches, if holding meetings with in- person attendance, will arrange the meeting time in accordance with the general Summit meeting process.

Format Primarily by online Live Zoom. It is open to participants from both Australia and overseas. Each Branch will have the option to choose either online or meeting in person. Either way, it will be supported by the CMASA

National   Office   without   discrimination.   Reviewing   the    academic


achievements of the past year in the anti-COVID environment will offer members benefits as much as possible.
Rate and exemptions A registration fee of $100.00 applies for those who require CP points for attendance. The following participants are exempted from fees:

·         Members who have already received 12 CPD points this year

·         Participants who do not require CPD points

·         Student members

All participants will be provided with an electronic copy of the conference proceedings.

CPD 8 CPD points (including 4 policy and regulation CPD points)
Contact Jo on Tel: 02-97276831 or Mobile 0431 327 369 Email:
Payment method Direct transfer to the CMASA Account: Commonwealth Bank of Australia Account Name: CMASA Education BSB: 062 133

Account Number: 18001600


·         Please indicate your initials, CMASA membership number and the course code.

·         After the payment is finalised, please email the payment screenshot to CMASA:

·         Please specify the course code in the topic section in your email.

Summit Code F22NOV27
Registration due date Registration closes on 23 Nov 2022
4.      Message from AHPRA

We write to advise all Chinese Medicine practitioners about the following vital resource. It is Ahpra’s Frequently asked questions on the Shared Code of Conduct and Vaccination/Immunisation. (‘the FAQ’s) The revised Code of conduct for Chinese medicine practitioners came into effect in late June 2022, along with resources to help practitioners understand and apply the code. Maintaining a high level of professional competence and conduct is an essential part of providing good care, and you have a professional responsibility to be familiar with the code and apply its principles in your practice.

More information can be found on the Ahpra website.

The Shared Code of Conduct, and all Ahpra’s resources on it, can also be accessed by clicking on the Shared Code of Conduct button on the Chinese Medicine Board of Australia home page. The Board will also publicise the Code and resources on it in its forthcoming Newsletter.

The vaccination/immunization section of the FAQ is based on AHPRA’s COVID-19 Vaccination Statement. The FAQs are beyond the scope of the statement, as they often cover a common code of conduct and vaccinations, not just for COVID-19.


5.      Information from the Victorian Branch

The CMASA Victoria Branch held the Annual General Meeting on 25 September 2022. The meeting consisted of the following two components:

5.1    CMASA Victoria Branch Annual Report:

·         President Jinfeng Wu : End of the year Annual Report


  • Vice President Qingju Wang: Academic Report
  • Accountant Pin Zhang: Financial report
  • Xiang Guang: Supplement financial report (mainly on cash flow)
  • Secretary-General Zhenye Rong: Secretariat Report

CMASA presented certificates of appreciation to the Committee members for their voluntary work.

5.2.  General election:

There were 15 candidates for election in total, reflecting their commitment to serve the members. Each candidate delivered a three-minute campaign speech. During the speech, the resume and campaign outline of each candidate was displayed in Power Point on the screen.

Order of speeches:

Wencheng Wang, Qingju Wang, Kangxiao Li, Junzeng Xin, Jinfeng Wu, Kang Zhou, Pin Zhang, Man Zhang, Chuanzhi Ni, Yilong Guo, Guang Xiang, Zhenye Rong, Xiangxin Huang, Bin Peng, Xiaowen Li

Voting was conducted in a democratic, fair and transparent manner.

Voting result: The number of returned votes was equal to the number of votes issued. All votes were valid. Vote counting: CMASA CEO Guoqing Wei, Chairman of the Supervisory Committee Yilong Guo; Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Committee Chenglin Liu recorded the votes on board.

Election results: 12 candidates with the highest votes were elected: Wencheng Wang, Kangxiao Li, Junzeng Xin, Kang Zhou, Pin Zhang, Man Zhang, Chuanzhi Ni, Yilong Guo Guang, Xiang, Zhenye Rong, Xiangxin Huang, Bin Peng.

Finally, the twelve new Committee members elected the highly respected Professor Wencheng Wang as the new President of the CMASA Victoria Branch.

The new term of members for the Victoria Branch, including the general committee members and members of the Supervisory Committee, signalled a new starting point, opportunities and challenges. Under the leadership of President Wencheng Wang, Victoria will review the achievements and failures, advance with the times, create a new environment and promise a harmonious future for further academic development. Finally, on behalf of the newly elected general committee and supervisory committee, the Executive Vice President Kangxiao Li expressed his heartfelt appreciation to the CMASA CEO Guoqing Wei who specifically travelled from Sydney in support of this event. Dr Li also thanked over 100 members and friends who participated in this meeting. Dr Li wished the CMASA Victoria Branch inherit the excellent style and spirit of learning and create a brighter future for CMASA.

On 3 October 2022, the Victorian Branch held its first post-election Committee meeting. The President Professor Wencheng Wang announced the roles and responsibilities of the committee members.

  • Executive President: Kangxiao Li, in charge of the operational work including academic operation, arrangement for lectures and other CMASA academic activities. Establishment of an academic working group: its members to be selected by Kangxiao
  • Secretary-General: Bin Peng, responsible for the affairs of the society, including registration for CMASA academic activities, the issuance of CPD credits and the management of the official CMASA Victoria WeChat Responsible for the release of information for the purpose of communication between the committee and CMASA members. Establishment of a secretarial team: the Secretary-General arranges candidates to assist the Secretary-General in his work. Members of the Secretariat must be young, of good character, capable and dedicated.
  • Financial department: Man Zhang, responsible for the CMASA Victoria accounts and regular reports to the president and the committee
  • General Affairs Department: Guang Xiang, responsible for the cash account management and logistics coordination with Chuanzhi Ni being the
  • Chief Supervisor: Yilong Guo; Supervisors: Pin Zhang, Xiangxin These three members formED the Supervisory Committee to oversee the daily operation of CMASA Victoria.
  • Network and Information Department: Pin Zhang, responsible for the establishment of the CMASA Victoria’s network and information management system by using modern management technique for daily operational work including registration for academic activities, certificate issuance and other daily administrative
  • After communicating with the national CMASA: The Victoria Branch will no longer set up a policy and regulation department. This part of the training will be managed and provided by the national body, and the Victoria Branch will no longer cover its
  • CMASA Victoria will only provide a platform for academic lectures, with an emphasis on the quality of No fees will be paid to lecturers, except for invited external speakers/lecturers.


Kang Zhou, as President of the CMASA at the national level, will not take up a position in the Victorian Branch. Junzeng Xin and Zhenye Rong will assist with the work of the above-mentioned various departments.

It is anticipated that all committee members and supervisors will not forget their original aspirations and will keep CMASA mission in mind, cherish the unity, work diligently, and collaborate with each other to achieve a good outcome for CMASA.

6. Course Announcement: Enrolment for the Fifth Lecture Series in Classics Inheritance

The Fourth Lecture Series of “Miraculous Pivot (Lingshu)” Course in NSW earlier this year covered the law governing the meridian locations, directions, distributions and joints. Interlinked with each other through the internal branches and the reticular branches, all acupoints associated with the Twelve Main Channels and the Eight Extra Channels were taught in Professor Wei’s meticulous and humorous teaching style. One by one, these were carefully explained while vitality was injected into once seemingly ordinary and stagnant acupoints, with flesh, blood and emotions. The targets also turned out to be clearly visible via the detailed multi-dimensional learning. The students started to understand intentions of our ancient ancestors as to the specific location and designation of each acupoint, thus leading to the fundamental knowledge of the inevitable outcomes.  Such learning opportunities are really unattainable otherwise!

With the pavement of the previous four lecture series, we are ushered onto a higher platform. The curriculum design of the Fifth Lecture Series are more inspiring and practical. Our goal is “There is no deviation from the theory and ensure integration into the clinical practice. The clinical practice is to be enhanced by theories, which in turn reflects the classics!”

For Chinese medicine practitioners, classics are like a lighthouse on the vast sea. Its height and significance are to lead us to find the right direction all the time! Learning the classics is like building a lighthouse within our own hearts. Only in this way can we be fearless of any obstacles along the long journey of clinical practice, and can we make unremitting efforts until the day we see ourselves rescuing the critical conditions to life under the needle and curing of diseases with effective medicines.

The Fifth Lecture Series has commenced. Over eighty members have attended the lecture and enjoyed the fabulous opening Chapter “Ancient Theory of Primordial Energy“ (also known as Unviersal Truth)” (Shanggu Tianzhen Lun) in Fundamental Questions (Su Wen)“.

The lectures will continue to be run at one lecture per month, “Fundamental Questions (Su Wen)” and “Miraculous Pivot (Ling Shu)” will be delivered simultaneously. This means each lecture will contain two components. The first part will focus on interpretation of the original classical texts, and the second part on explaining in detail the diagnosis and treatment of a common condition by applying the classical theory. This arrangement will allow students to apply what they have learned instantly to their clinical practice!

In the Chinese medicine profession, there is a saying that “Without inheritance, the clinical practice is thousands of mountains away from truth.” How many Chinese medicine practitioners who have been practicing for decades regret that they cannot enter the real “Chinese Medicine Gate” in their lives with exhausting efforts! The students who participated in this course are fortunate. The Fourth Lecture Series have enabled everyone to experience the unique perspective of the professor’s analysis of the classics. The Fifth Lecture Series continue to be coordinated by the NSW Classics Planning and Coordination Team. The lectures are open to all CMASA members across Australia. All lectures are delivered by the famous Prof Guoqing Wei. It is well-known that Prof Wei teaches and answers questions with great patience. Prof Wei does not hesitate to put his decades of meticulous research and clinical achievements into his teaching, primarily enabling the learning easier. The integration of theoretical principles and concepts into practical settings is innovative and unique second to none. In the lectures, the content from previous lectures will be repeated continuously. Whether you are a student from previous lectures or a new student, you will surely achieve the learning goals and find resonances!

These brilliant and interconnected lectures will become the cornerstone of accurate clinical dialectical guiding ideology! Such an opportunity is right in front of us. It is really the blessing for CMASA members. As the Chinse saying goes, “Everything is ready, just waiting for the east wind to blow (the opportunity to arrive)”. This opportunity is in our own hands, whether you are willing to set off this learning enthusiasm in your clinical practice, the opportunity should not be overlooked and will not arrive again!

Delivery of the CMASA Classic Inheritance Lectures is a wise and appropriate approach for the majority of acupuncturists and Tuina members. The purpose is to:

  • Establish the Chinese Medicine thinking,
  • Improve clinical skills to solve clinical problems,
  • Improve Chinese Medicine academic skills,
  • Promote the quality and safety of clinical practice,


  • Further develop Chinese Medicine, and
  • Increase income and social status of practitioners.

Through the active participation of most CMASA members, classics learning has become popular. The interaction with lecturers has also built up the members’ confidence and enthusiasm for the profession. We firmly believe that the road to learning classics will grow wider and wider in both the teaching and learning. Your trust and support are greatly appreciated.

Thanks to the CMASA academic leaders who have carefully built this platform for members with an intention to lead everyone to enter the Gate of Chinese Medicine Classics as soon as possible, thus embarking on a genuine and truthful journey of Chinese Medicine.

These courses put emphasis on the quality and the outcome of learning, without speeding to catch up with the progress. Theory and clinical practice are closely integrated to ensure that the participants will not only learn the practical hands-on needling skills, techniques in each movement and style, but also thoroughly understand the classical theory and use it as a guiding principle which can be applied instantly in the clinical practice, leading to improvement of the clinical skills.

A live demonstration will be provided: Tentatively the 5th lesson will provide a live demonstration opportunity. The registration details will be announced via Group WeChat. Each demo will be available to 15 participants, to be offered in the order of registration! Videos will be taken for the participants for revision and repeated learning, so as to directly sublimate the classic theoretical knowledge and rational understanding taught by the professor into a perceptual understanding that can be utilised in clinical practice. In this way you will truly gain from the teacher’s decades of rich clinical experience!

Registration details for the remaining four lectures in the Fifth Lecture Series

Time and date 7:30 pm-10:30 pm AEDT (Australian Eastern Daylight Time)

  • Monday, 14 November 2022
  • Monday, 12 December 2022
  • Monday, 16 January 2022
  • Monday, 13 February 2022


Please remember to convert the AEDT into the time zone of your location.

Format Online Live Zoom Webinar
Scope (Australia-wide) ·         Registered acupuncturists

·         Practicing massage practitioners

CPD 3 DPD points per lecture
Fees ·         For CMASA members: AUD $150 for five lectures; AUD$45 for a single lecture

·         For non CMASA members: AUD $300 for five lectures; AUD$60 for a single lecture

·         Accepting RMB from mainland China, or USD from other overseas countries

Payment method Please pay directly to the CMASA Account: Commonwealth Bank

Account Name: CMASA Education BSB: 062 133

Account Number: 18001600


·         Please indicate your initials, CMASA membership number and the course code.

·         After the payment is finalised, please email the payment screenshot to CMASA:

·         Please specify the course code in the topic section in your email.

Registration Please email your registration by:

Email: or Tel: 02 97276831


Course code N22CL5

If you register for a single lecture, please specify which one. For example, if you

register for the second lecture in the Fifth Lecture Series, please specify the course code as N22CL52.

7. The CMASA November 2022 “Great Doctors’ Forum”

The “Great Doctors’ Forum” Program has been designed within the framework of professional

development. We are delighted to announce the 2022 Forum. Please refer to the details below.

7.1  Victoria “Great Doctors’ Forum”

Time         and


1:30 pm – 5:30 pm, Sunday, 13 November 2022
Venue Deakin University, 221, Burwood Highway, Burwood, Vic 3125

Building B, Level 3, room number – B3.05

Speaker: Prof.



Prof Wang is Chinese Medicine Chief Physician, CMASA Honorary President and the President of the Victorian Branch.
Forum     title and content 1)      The principle of acupuncture treatment principles and a summary of clinical experiences: It focuses on the diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases such as lumbar disc herniation and shoulder pain. It includes three aspects: main clinical symptoms, physical examinations and treatment methods (manual therapy and acupuncture treatment).

·         Manual therapy: acupoint-pressing method, oblique moving method and rotational recovery method, etc.

·         Acupuncture treatment: acupoint selection by pulses, the principle of acupuncture, the effectiveness of acupuncture and acupuncture techniques, etc.

·         On-site demonstration: Interact with participants or volunteers, select patients, diagnose by pulse, and demonstrate the efficacy of acupuncture.

2)      The principle and clinical application of the Five-Gate and Ten-Change (Wu Men Shi Bian) needling technique: From basic to advanced, Prof Wang will explain in detail how to accurately use the magic acupuncture method of Five-Gate and Ten- Change (Wu Men Shi Bian), and how to achieve the treatment effectiveness. Prof Wang will also demonstrate its relationship with the changes in pulse diagnosis evidenced by effective cases.

Professor Wang is skilful in using the Huang Family Medical Circle Thousand Steps Pulse Method (黃家醫圈千步脈法), which is characterised by selection of the corresponding Shu acupoint, Mu acupoint, Eight Extra Channels, Yuan Luo Acupoint in accordance with the specific information collected by feeling pulses. Hence, the rise and fall of the internal organs and imbalance of the meridians are regulated, so that the qi and blood function of the internal organs can return to the normal state. This method can also be used to change the internal survival environment for the patient.

Characteristics of acupuncture treatment: selection of acupoints by feeling the pulses, diagnosis of pulses before needling, and feel the pulses again after needling to understand and compare the changes of the abnormal locations before and after application of acupuncture, so as to enable self-elimination of flat pulses.

CPD 4 points (Formal)
Rate          and payment $30.00 (members), $20 (student members), $50.00 (non-members) Direct payment into CMASA Account: A/C Commonwealth Bank Account Name: CMASA Vic, BSB: 062 300, Account Number: 10367029


Registration Registration by the CMASA Victoria official WeChat group
Deadline 11 November 2022
Contact details: Bin Peng or Guohui Cai, Email:
7.2 South Australia “Great Doctors’ Forum”

Time and Date        9:00am – 1:00pm

Sunday, 13 November 2022

Venue: City Medical Centre, 1/80 Grote St, Adelaide SA 5000 Title Academic Lectures in 2022 and the Annual CPD Summary

Speaker: Dr Gu is the fifth generation of Gu’s Surgery, a National Intangible Cultural Heritage, President    and a member of the Expert Committee of the Chinese Medical Doctor’s Association Xiongwen Gu of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Treatment in Oncology.

Forum content   Dr Gu will provide a summary of the academic activities and clinical feedback in 2022. He will also provide a schedule of the forthcoming academic lectures in South Australia in 2023.

Format Face to face interactive lectures only. Please note that there will be no online live Webinar.

CPD 4 points (Formal)

Rate $30.00 (members), $50.00 (non-members)

Registration Prior to the Forum: In order to ensure that members can get the information and continuing professional development points in a timely manner, please ensure to register in advance.

Contact details: Dr Yu Zheng, Secretary General

Mobile: 0469545139


Note: In respect of the speaker and colleagues, please mute or turn off your mobile phones before the lecture.

8. The First 2023 CMASA Advanced First Aid Certificate Course (NSW)

Please note that there is only a limited number of places available in the First 2023 CMASA Advanced First Aid Certificate Course in NSW.

Time Date 4:00 pm (AEDT)

Wednesday, 11 January 2023

Venue Suite 9,Level 1, 1 – 17 Elsie Street, Burwood NSW 2134

Please note that we are in the same building as Burwood RTA, next to RTA 1-17 doorway. You will pass a café before you get to the elevator on the ground floor lobby. Press the button in the lift for Floor One. After you exit the lift, you will find our office, Suite 9, on your righthand side.

Fee ·         $110 (CMASA member)

·         $130 (Non-members)

Payment Details: CMASA Bank Account: Commonwealth Bank A/C Name: CMASA Education

BSB: 062133


Account number: 18001600.

Please note the following:

·         With the payment, please make sure you specify FA+ membership number.

·         Please make your payment ASAP as there are only limited places available. Places are offered by the order of registration and payment.

·         After your payment, please email the screenshot of your payment, your full name, date of the course, CMASA membership number (if applicable), mobile number and a scanned copy of your 100 point ID or your photo (Refer to the notes below for details of 100 point ID specification).

Contact CMASA Head Office email:

Contact person in charge: Dr Margaret Wu

Email: SMS: 0405 284 012

Specific training requirements:

·         Homework and related training materials or content will be emailed to the trainees upon receiving the evidence of your payment.

·         When you attend the training, please bring: 1) a pen and your completed homework; and 2) the original copies of the 100-point ID documents to be photocopied for record keeping.

Other matters:

·         The Advanced First Aid Certificate Course (HLTAID011) is delivered in Mandarin (standard Chinese).

·         This certificate is recognised by the Australian Government, valid for 3 years. The certificate will be available on the same day.

·         This certificate is an important credential for engaging in practising massage, acupuncture or other healthcare work, as well as getting private insurance rebates.

A reminder that during the Covid-19 pandemic, it is important to note:

·         If you feel unwell and have flu-like symptoms, please do not participate in the training. Please notify Dr Margaret Wu (SMS: 0405 284 012) as soon as possible.

·         Please prepare a mask and wear it while attending the first aid class.

About the 100 points ID:

·         Please remember to bring the original 100-point ID with you, and they need to make a copy on the spot.

·         Attend the training as the person identified on the ID, and do not be late for the class.

·         100-point ID proof (please refer to the following details for score calculation):

o   Passport (current) – 70 points

o   Australian Citizenship – 70 points

o   Australian Driver’s License (current) – 40 points

o   NSW Photo Card (valid) – 40 points

o   Medicare card – 25 points

o   Bank Card (Australia) – 25 points

o   Bank statement or confirmation of opening a bank account – 25 points

o   Registration document for buying a car in Australia – 25 points

One phone bill or one housing utility bill e.g. water bill, gas bill, electricity bill (within the last three months) – 25 points